Notes, Votes , and Quotes
TCC Northeast Employee Survey of Leadership & Progress - Spring 2017
What did you like most about the Needs/Goals/Barriers/Solutions (NGBS) approach?
"It shows a willingness to listen to feedback from everyone. It increases a sense of ownership and investment in the affairs of the campus."
"This approach gave a voice to those on the front lines of working with the college's customers, our students."
"Administrators seeking feedback from those of us in the field. Input from all levels into process."
"What I liked most about this approach is that you get to be involved in the changes that occur on campus."
"Identifying needs from several perspectives gave a broad view."
"Provides bottom up feedback. Open communication. Defines problems, solutions, etc."
"I really like that it forces you to think of all angles of a proposal - specifically the barriers. Oftentimes we think of a great proposal but don't think a few steps ahead about what might block our road. This approach corrects that line of thinking."
"Open for all to participate. Allowed for open ended responses. Sensible. Opportunity to provide input via survey."
"This approach provides a clear path to find for potential solutions as well as barriers ahead of time while working on achieving the goal that we need. Improving Effectiveness and Efficiency and Addressing Student needs are my favorite areas."
"The process has been inclusive of all departments and positions and has encouraged engagement and interaction across departments/divisions. In addition to providing feedback from the ground up, it has also supported team building within the campus. The approach of these sessions has maintained a focus upon inquiry, innovation, and collaboration. They have also familiarized faculty and administration with the challenges the campus and the college are facing. This method of input helps demonstrate that we do have solutions available within the team."
"I like that it provides tangible information on what we experience as employees, and that it offers evidence on what we need to work on, and what we're doing well."
"Very task oriented and specific for goal achievement! Precise, not too lengthy and helpful."
"The explanations and details that it provided. The level of communication put forth by the administration."
"This approach serves to make all employees feel heard and valued by soliciting responses from all levels of employment within the organization. I like that we are able to express our opinion."
"I think it is a good approach because it allows students and staff members give their opinions about the school. Hence, from there it will help TCC serve students better."
"It is a valuable tool to get input from faculty especially because at many institutions faculty feel their input is not valued and this leads to an adversarial relationship with administration."
"I like that updates can be added to the SharePoint site and I can quickly find anything I need without constant strenuous research."
"More goal oriented. Taking the focus to the end goal and the steps to get there."
"I liked the ability to prioritize and offer solutions to perceived problems. I also liked that it informed campus leadership about issues the campus community felt were important."
"It gives an actual process instead of simply floating ideas that aren't acted upon."
Please identify the strategy that you feel has been most effective in improving student learning and success.
"Really listening. Trying to make changes based on feedback he hears. He works hard to empower individuals to accomplish their goals, to take some risk, and to try new things."
"I know that Dr. Goben's revitalizing the initial student experience when arriving at TCC has gone a long way toward student retention."
"Outreach and feedback from students. Quality services. Communications - Apples with Allen with faculty and staff involvement."
"Putting the students first is one of keys to improving student learning and success. One of the most effective strategies is to establish a shared vision of student success. Dr. Goben has done this by the creation of the task teams. The task teams allow the stakeholders to become drivers of change and be a part of the solution."
"New payment schedule, more user friendly campus maps, more welcoming registration area, better advising policies."
"Faculty in the classrooms; advising and counseling aware of student needs and communication with individual departments."
"I have appreciated his desire to get things done - he gathers feedback from his faculty and staff then makes concerted efforts to make these things happen. Even though the district restricts some of these things, he continues to push. I admire his tenacity."
"Simply focusing on the idea of improving student success gets people talking about it and thinking of ways to accomplish the goal."
"Sets realistic goals whose success/failure can be determined. It involves planning, apply, evaluate and analyze."
"Redesigning the academic departments into four and aligning advising."
"Interactions with faculty have demonstrated a greater willingness to implement innovative teaching techniques. In my observations, I feel that faculty are innovating and experimenting at a greater rate than in previous years. This, I believe, demonstrates the progress made toward implementation of Strategy 1.1."
"I believe keeping employees updated on what the goals are, what it means for our particular departments, and how we can all play a role has been very effective. I feel that we have the information we need to be engaged in what's happening on campus."
"I like the idea that made the Registrar and Administration building become more friendly space for the new students who came to NE the first time. Also, I like the idea that put the names on each building around the campus so that students can easily locate their classrooms and walk around the campus with a free mind. Also, I think that put all the tutoring centers next to each other in one space will help a lot in improving student learning and success."
"Most of the time administration leaves the faculty to do their jobs."
"Very clear, open communication with everyone on our campus and a strong campus plan."
"I believe that modernization of facilities will have a great value to future student success improvements."
"The Pathways approach seems to be the most obvious solution to improving Student Learning and Success. Students who have been floundering seem to be improving in achieving success in classes as well as career goals."
"More emphasis on the importance of the student as a client. Reminding us to see it through the "students’ eyes"."
"The efforts towards strengthening communication across the organization; willingness to listen to employees at all levels about what works & what's going in their specific area, and to those who are working face-to-face with students every day."
"Encouraging Student Success leaders and Advisors/Counselors to be involved in the learning experience."
"Dr. Goben's ability to communicate with every student regardless of his/her background."
"Willingness to try new ventures and promote best practices."
"Student interaction and creative thinking have produced amazing results in areas of motivational learning and retention."
"Increased educational opportunities addressing these goals for faculty and staff."
"Dr. Goben succeeds in seeing the campus and enrollment process as a student does, making it possible to propose practical changes to make students' experience at TCC NE better. The changes to admission and enrollment get kudos from me."
"Funding the Learning Labs (Writing Lab, Math Lab, etc.)."
"In my experience, he lets us do our jobs without micromanaging. His open door policy and approachable demeanor is very much appreciated, too."
"The engagement process seems to get students more involved in the material and seems to help them be more interested in illustrations of their studies that occur in terms of current events."
"A greater focus on programs and initiatives that focus on student service, less focus on research and reports."
"From counseling/advising standpoint, getting the advisors in the other buildings more involved with the actual counseling dept."
"Assigning our advisors to specific advising areas."
"Directly interact with students rather than through other forms of media."
"Having students attempt to identify their major/purpose/career in the student's first semester. This will work well with the Career Pathway approach that his taking off at several institutions of higher education."
"Updating the campus!"
"The willingness of the school to try something new or different."
"Dr. Goben's full involvement in all projects and his new ideas with a different approach have promoted positive changes and student success. Informing the staff at the meetings like apples with Allen in very helpful and inspiring to faculty and staff."
"Having regular scheduled leadership meetings that are followed up with actions - having working meetings, not just the sharing of information."
Heartland Board Member- June 2013
"I would like to thank you for the positive contributions you made to Heartland Community College over the past three years. The development of the Strategic Plan and the "Visioning Phase" for future campus development were particularly impressive."
Heartland Staff Member- June 2013
"I am grateful we were able to have a president like you – one who clearly cares about the people of Heartland. You brought a lot of positive change to HCC, not the least of which include your encouragement of so many employees to explore their leadership abilities, and your talent for making everyone feel valued. To family and friends who asked what I thought about “ the new president of Heartland,” I always told the same story. After one week at Heartland, you knew my name, the name of my coworkers, and helped us all feel comfortable talking to you. That one seemingly tiny detail – knowing our names (and so quickly) – was an instant indicator that we actually mattered in your eyes, and the value of that cannot be overstated. We will miss you, but I look forward to following your career and hoping that maybe, in a small way, Heartland had as much of a positive influence on you as you did on us."
Heartland Administrator- June 2013
"Thank you for all that you shared with us during your tenure here. You definitely injected some enthusiasm, creativity and new ideas that were much needed. I learned a lot from you during your time here. You challenged us all and made the College stronger. Thanks for your service to our community and our students. But most importantly, thank you for your contagious enthusiasm, energy, great ideas, and leadership training opportunities."
Heartland Staff Member- June 2013
"Your leadership has helped the college make many strides toward being more of a resource to the community, improving the services we offer and developing an organizational culture that values communication and collaboration. I hope that during my time here at Heartland I will follow your leadership in the roles I hold, performing dynamically and making positive and impactful contributions. Thank you for your time here."
Chamber of Commerce President- June 2013
“We appreciated what he was able to do here. Allen has been a tremendous resource to the community … (with) outstanding initiatives he put in place, a great leadership team that he has assembled, and a fantastic continuation of what the college has started to better serve the greater McLean (County) and Central Illinois population."
Heartland Faculty Member- April 2013
"Thank you so much for the amazing opportunities during Leadership Institute. I've learned so much and enjoyed moments of sharing and connection with the team."
Heartland Community Member- April 2013
"I am so impressed with what you and your team have achieved so far... and excited about Heartland's future..."
Multi-Cultural Leadership Program of Bloomington/Normal- February 2013
"Thank you for spending time with us. You shared your vision, passion and a wealth of knowledge with our class. It's very inspiring to see a current leader with your style of embracing change."
Heartland Dean- October 2012
"I just wanted to say thank you again for coming in to my dual enrollment course... I've just returned from teaching it today and the students were a bit in awe that the president of the College came to their classroom."
Heartland Faculty Member- June 2012
"I thought I should let you know how much I appreciated our meeting today. You were more than generous with your time and gracious in your comments. Thanks, too, for your candidness. Things are pretty darn good when I feel comfortable calling a meeting with the president of our college."
Heartland Adjunct Faculty Member- June 2012
"Thank you so much for taking time out of a very busy schedule to take me to lunch and share ideas about Kolb and how to make learning/teaching better at HCC. You are a very dynamic and inspirational leader and role model."
Heartland Faculty Member- June 2012
"... I really appreciate what you are doing with the planning process. I've been at Heartland through two planning cycles and you are the first person to ask me for my direct input. Past plans seemed to be created by the cabinet and given to the campus fully formed. Yes, the process you are using is messy and takes time but I do and will continue to feel a sense of ownership in the plan and will work just that much harder to try to bring it about."
Heartland Faculty, Staff, and Administration Quotes from Performance Appraisal Survey- April 2012
"Although his participation on the 21st Century Commission is a coup for Heartland and a way to bring us national attention, I think bringing the area high schools' superintendents, principals and guidance counselors together with HCC faculty and staff on campus was a phenomenal way to build local/area partnerships..."
"[His] serving on the 21st Century Commission gave us a voice in a very important national conversation."
"Heartland has always had a great image in the community, region, and state... it has enhanced our image nationally for Dr. Goben to be part of the Community College Committee in Washington, D.C. Now, people outside the state know HCC exists."
"... his willingness to re-open the process for our mission statement after several people expressed other thoughts. I think it goes a long way toward building trust in the college."
"He is very dedicated to improvement and finding ways to best utilize our resources. He is a big-picture thinker and plans for the future."
"In my opinion, one of Dr. Goben's biggest strengths has been his foresight into what HCC needs to continue its incredible growth. Continuing to lead in innovation and providing the best possible student experience."
"... facilitating open communication and partnership across departments."
"High energy, enthusiasm, participative leadership and strong communication skills and informative practices. Passion for community colleges and a real interest in our community."
"Building relationships, having a big-picture vision of where he wants the college to go, and creating a sense of ownership among faculty and staff at HCC -- so we feel as if we have a direct influence on the future of the college."
", positive attitude, optimistic about progress and strategic direction."
"Opened up different avenues of communication."
"Encouraging open dialogue among the Campus Community on many issues. It's nice to have 'The Coffee with the President', opportunity to hear what is going on around campus and have input as well."
"Accessibility to everyone. Vision for the college. Attempts at increased communication. Proud to work at HCC."
"Accessibility to the community and to those throughout the College, including employees and students. Leading by example and seemingly tireless energy. An impressive command of knowledge on wide-ranging subjects."
"His passion for innovation has been a driving force for both new initiatives and implementing new strategies for doing processes more efficiently."
"Positive presence in the community, supportive of leadership team, and admitting when he is not exactly correct."
"Visionary leadership with open-ended communication."
"... He is a great supporter of professional development and that is good for the whole college."
"His ability to lead while including others. It is not his way or the highway. He includes others when making decision which impact the entire college."
"... creating different committees and groups to get opinions; creating task forces with people from different groups/interests in the college."
"... his mission to paint a clearer picture of how every dept is intertwined by refining the organizational flow charts will greatly improve our college's communication within itself."
"Student Success has been closely tied with academic divisions which is good for students, faculty, staff, and the college overall. Great!"
"Everyone feels involved with the collaboration groups he has created. Communication has improved a lot."
"The Leadership Institute and Leadership Team both allow for progress across the college by promoting communication and giving many different groups on campus a venue for continuous quality improvement."
"Thank you for being our tireless leader and for being so passionate about what you do! You are an inspiration to many of us!"
Heartland Faculty Member- February 2012
"... I commend you for the quality of your work... I think highly of both you and the work you do. I've never really worked with someone up the ladder who had as strong of a motivation for development and as much breadth of experience as you. I've usually been the one "out there" with crazy ideas and a vision, so I'm exhilirated by where you want to take us and a little bit afraid, too, because I'm not used to being led. Ha ha."
Heartland Board of Trustees Chair- July 2011
"It's been a great year for Heartland and for Allen. There wasn't this big learning curve. He transitioned into the community and into Heartland equally well."
Heartland Staff Member- June 2011
"It was a pleasure to attend the conference with you and so many of my colleagues. Thank you for the opportunity and for all you did to make the experience so enjoyable! I will "pay it forward" through sharing with others and putting ideas into practice..."
Workshop Participant- April 2011
"I really enjoyed your session discussing the generation gap. I was really looking forward to this session because many of the groups I am involved with have a wide age range. I often find myself aggravated with the older generation when they don't change anything. Your presentation helped me understand how different generations might view things differently and how I can start to see things as they might be seeing them."
Heartland Department Director- April 2011
"You rocked Heartland Idol 2! The Simon Cowell impression was priceless. Thanks for being so easy to work with and for having a great sense of fun."
Heartland Faculty, Staff, and Administration Quotes from Performance Appraisal Survey- April 2011
"... Dr. Goben's interest in and connections made with the high schools is probably one of the most notable things done to enhance the image of the College."
"... externally he has worked hard to raise our visibility in the community. I have spoken with many people in the community who have met him at an event, a presentation or some other function and I believe this interaction makes a real difference in the eyes of the community..."
"He helped the college make a major land purchase without any public backlash. Our public relations and public image have improved dramatically."
"Introduction of GPS. Student success as an integrated, systematic process is critical to Heartland right now."
"Dr. Goben is a good listener. He is interested in everyone's view."
"... From the beginning, Dr. Goben has made every effort to familiarize himself with Heartland & the people who work here. He took the time to listen. He was visable around campus & at various events."
"Community relations, public speaking, outgoing, friendly personality."
"Planning skills, great interpersonal communication skills."
"His effort in getting to know everyone and willingness to solicit feedback is a real strength. He travels all over campus..."
"He is positive and a very present President. He is a people and for the people person. Easy to understand he wants to improve our students' education and our outcomes."
"Clearly there is a strong commitment to opening up communication across the college. He has made a clear effort to get to know many pro-tech and classified staff..."
"Desire for collaboration, openness to new ideas, willingness to listen to the college community and engage in dialogue, positive energy."
"He is open and personable. He can be tough when necessary, but he listens to everyone and actively seeks input. He has a lot of vision and is energizing for most people."
"Strong leadership, effective communication skills, collaborative spirit and a very appreciative nature. I have never been 'thanked' for efforts, etc. as much as I have this past year.... personally, by Dr. Goben. He regularly refers to 'the team' in Board meetings and other public discussions..... and it helps staff feel appreciated..."
"He asked the opinion of the college community with the needs, goals, barriers, solutions discussion and followed up with analysis and discussion."
Dr. Goben is a very likable President. He is accessible and down-to-earth. His focus on community partnerships, professional development of staff, strategic budgeting aligned with position requests, and the open position requests process will all advance the college."
Works well with all sorts of groups, listens, collaborates."
High levels of meaningful communication, a focus on student learning and experience at HCC as the primary consideration, and candor about HCC's strengths and weaknesses as an institution."
His vision for SharePoint will have a significant positive impact on the business operations of the College."
Dr. Goben has started the conversation about professional development and has all of us thinking about our needs and expectations in this area. Meaningful professional development is important, both individually and organization-wide. Dr. Goben gets that."
Heartland Department Director- March 2011
"My staff is thrilled with the possibilities of being so much more personal--to much more service oriented. Thank you Allen. We truly appreciate your support."
Central Illinois County Economic Development Leader- March 2011
"Thank you, again, for speaking at our annual meeting... The county is buzzing about collaboration."
Economic Development Leader- November 2010
"I wanted to reiterate how much I appreciated you as our Summit keynote speaker. Your presentation set the perfect stage for professional and passionate conversation around regional collaboration."
Heartland Faculty Member- November 2010
"During this time of Thanksgiving, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you. Thank you for your courage to be yourself... The message you presented to us is one of common sense: listen to each other, appreciate each other, and be positive... Your message gives me hope, and I thank you for that."
HCTC Faculty Member- January 2010
[Reacting to HCTC being named one of the Best Places to Work in Kentucky 2010] “We have a pretty creative environment with a lot of energy. We’re unfettered in that we create our own context for growing in any way we can. We have the freedom to do that so we have time to be a better teacher. I feel respected and trusted and that helps a lot."
Community College Leadership Institute Workshop Participant- November 2009
"My colleagues and I have not stopped talking about your energetic presentation, timely information, practical implications and of course, your singing vignettes."
KCTCS Board of Regents Member- October 2009
"...I was energized by your passion and commitment..."
HCTC Board Member- September 2009
[Reacting to news of a $1.2 million grant for virtual reality/3-D technology] "Dr. Goben, this is a fantastic accomplishment for the college and its community!!! This will be such a great opportunity for our students….what a way to learn!!! Congratulations to all those involved!!!"
KCTCS Colleague (College President)- September 2009
"THANKS: You get an A plus for diplomatic leadership today."
HCTC Faculty Member- August 2009
"Thank you for talking to our students. Your comments were so personal and well written. I appreciate what you do to help us."
Johnson County CC Employee- August 2009
[referring to Fall Semester Kickoff keynote address] "...hate to admit it, but I stopped going to these things several years ago and then started going again recently... this was by far the best and most meaningful message I've seen, and I really enjoyed your presentation."
Johnson County CC Employee- August 2009
[referring to Fall Semester Kickoff keynote address] " is a very welcome discussion. I am finding so much out about everyone and their capabilities and how I can help them and they can help me."
HCTC Department Coordinator- June 2009
"... I believe that under your leadership our college is doing great things for our students. Not only are our students reaping the benefits from your leadership, the college as a whole is also. I believe the best is yet to come."
HCTC Faculty Member- May 2009
"... I want to thank you for your recommendation...and for your encouragement...and I so appreciate your enthusiasm and your vision for our students! from my heart, and from my head...."Thank you!"
HCTC Program Liaison- May 2009
"Thank you for being a voice of reason and a model to our community..."
HCTC Dean- April 2009
"... thank you for the confidence you placed in me this past academic year. The service center approach has been positive for our students and staff. I know that you had many challenges when you took the job as CEO and President of HCTC. Your ability to deal with these issues in an open and honest way may be one of your most admired qualities here on campus... Students feel more appreciated and they feel like they have an advocate they can come to with a problem... Thanks again for your trust in us and we look forward to another great year."
HCTC Program Director- April 2009
"... can’t tell you how happy I am this is finally happening after all these years. I am so thankful you are our President, so appreciative you are “fixing things” to make our jobs easier, and so glad you and your family moved here!"
HCTC Student- April 2009
"I want to thank you for that [encouraging Email]. As I was sitting here feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges and even contemplating whether I can continue with my own education, while everything else around seems to be crumbling. A feeling came over me to read my e-mails, and there it was... Hope."
HCTC Community Leader- April 2009
"I wish to express my sincere appreciation to you for your very warm and appropriate welcome... last Thursday evening. Your comments set the perfect tone for a very successful evening which extended into a very successful two and a half day event. I really appreciate the special effort you gave to be part of the evening’s activities in light of your very busy week and subsequent travel the next morning."
HCTC Faculty, Staff, and Board of Directors Presidential Evaluation Comments- April 2009
"... culture and organizational structure change into service centers has greatly increased collaboration among the various departments..."
"The image of the college is more focused. The college is more aggressive in recruiting and maintaining students."
"Dr. Goben has made the college very visible and very tangible. In the past the college was a 'local option'...Now we are more than a local option for graduating seniors, we are a competitive option."
"He encouraged ALL of us to look at all aspects of the college-- from recruitment to facilities-- to see the good things we are doing and note ways in which we could enhance service and processes. Dr. Goben's leadership provided support for us to build our service centers and continue to improve them. He helped us see past the limitations we placed upon ourselves (and as a result also on our students)."
"He has made life at HCTC so much better."
"Dr. Goben is very strong on Professional Development and believes in investing in employees."
"Dr. Goben has spent a lot of time on enhancing the physical image of HCTC."
"Our communities are saying 'HCTC' and identifying with it as the 'College in their backyard'. High school kids, community leaders, and others are beginning to feel like the college belongs to them whether they are in Hazard, Jackson, Hindman, or Hyden. This type of community identity has never existed. The marketing materials have been dramatically improved... have a consistent message and are visually very appealing. They would compete with any 4 year institution around."
"Students feel like they have advocates on campus."
"He has worked to streamline processes... cut out a lot of paperwork..."
"Dr. Goben also established a president's leadership institute for HCTC which is assisting with developing new leaders at the college."
"We are now more visible and are promoting the college as well as individual programs within the college."
"He has brought us through one of the most horrific budget periods ever."
"Dr. Goben has really made an effort to promote professional development for staff and faculty at HCTC. By doing this, most staff and faculty are now able to present these professional development activities in-house to provide quality PD right here."
"...creativity, innovation, collaboration- he always seeks others input... energy and enthusiasm..."
"...He presented new opportunities... a time for everyone to see, feel, and be owners in our advancement."
"Vigorous, full of ideas, seeks faculty input, provides hope for actual improvements."
"Very forward, has a way to win others over... He is able to bring people together from across units and disciplines... Collaboration of others, openness, focused... empowering people."
"He is very innovative, creative, and motivated. The morale at HCTC has increased 100 percent since his arrival... It is very refreshing."
"Innovative ways to promote retention and growth and gaining new resources."
"Dr. Goben's ability to move personnel and resources into positions that made the greatest use of their abilities was a tremendous talent and strength."
"He loves getting out and talking to the community, students, faculty, and staff."
"[He has a] friendly demeanor in approaching the work at hand."
"Dr. Goben seeks broad-based input on college issues; he is a good communicator; he has the ability to 'connect the dots' (which has worn off on me and I find myself using that in my own position); and he is able to convey big ideas and then let others develop an action plan."
"Dr. Goben has been very open in his approach from the very beginning. He has looked at the various areas of the college and brought together those that could work better together through the service center approach."
"Dr. Goben includes everyone in every decision to the fullest extent-- from community leaders to students, he listens and asks the important questions. He encourages everyone to value what we have, use what we have, and improve what we will be."
"He has encouraged collaboration through social outings, campus meetings, and community events. Different departments are encouraged to team up to do presentations, attend workshops, and mingle with one another."
"He has brought us together through Task Team assignments, PD exercises, and by his attitude concerning the strength of collaboration."
"He put significant shoe leather to the pavement, traveling from hallway to hallway."
"Dr. Goben brought together employees in the first HCTC Leadership Institute to work collaboratively on college issues. He developed the Distance Earning Initiative Task Team to address economic development issues in our region; he developed a PPE [process for performance evaluation] Task Team to tackle the dreaded PPE process and suggest an immediate plan for improvement. He has helped push the Career, College, and Life Planning model by asking employees across many departments to collaborate on its development."
"Whenever there is a college initiative, Dr. Goben has tried to ensure that there is a mix of employees from various departments and campuses working together..."
"Service, service, service. HCTC has changed its attitude in regard to students. We now serve students more effectively and more timely. Students do not get the runaround that was so prevalent in earlier semesters."
"...our communication has improved, our process flow has improved, and our overall outlook has improved."
"The model that Dr. Goben has helped to put in place is superb and should be a model for colleges everywhere."
Virginia Community College System (VCCS) College VP- March 2009
"On behalf of the VCCS Academic and Student Affairs Council of Vice Presidents and Provosts, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to tell us about the exciting things happening around career planning at HCTC. As an academic administrator who also started out in college counseling I was thrilled to see all the work you've done to structure your welcoming campus environment around career exploration and educational attainment."
HCTC Learning Services Dean- March 2009
"Just a quick note to say thank you for taking the time to respond. I appreciate your willingness to jump in with a fresh perspective when you sense the need to do so. You really have a wonderful ability to read folks. I have also tried to reach [a faculty member] by phone and will follow up with him one-on-one tomorrow as well to see if he may have some ideas to help us gain support for these endeavors in the future. I appreciate your support and assistance!"
VCCS Director Career & Educational Resources- February 2009
"Thanks again for the opportunity visit HCTC. From the tour and the discussion, it is clear that very dynamic thinking and action is taking place at HCTC. Thanks also for the chance to present the Wizard to your staff and Dr. Milliron; it is valuable to the Wizard project to receive feedback from knowledgeable audiences outside of Virginia."
HCTC Staff Council Chair- January 2009
"Staff members are more open than I can ever remember... they are contributing ideas and wanting to be a part of the solutions we create."
HCTC Board of Directors Member- December 2008
"I want to thank you for communicating with the Board members on HCTC issues. You are doing a fantastic job of keeping us informed and I really appreciate it... This college is ready to move into its next phase of learning for this community. You've got a valuable group of creative and skilled employees who can make this college stand out. I think you are definitely a person who can tap into that reserve and do "good things" for our college."
HCTC Student- September 2008
"Your words of encouragement are just what I needed to hear at this point... Thank you for lifting a bit of that load for me with your kind words."
HCTC Staff Member- August 2008
"I want to acknowledge with deep thanks your many kindnesses to me during the past year. The kindness you have shown me during my bereavement has been overwhelming and I will never forget how much all of you have sacrificed for me and my little girl... It's not everyone who has co-workers and bosses who are consistently cooperative, generous, and understanding, and I feel that I've been blessed."
HCTC Faculty Member- June 2008
"... This writing and your honest and open stance speak volumes about your true character. I am so appreciative of your leadership on this matter and so many others. If you and your family are half as glad to be here as we are to have you, you must run around grinning the day away!"
HCTC Faculty, Staff, and Board of Directors Presidential Evaluation Comments- April 2008
"He has been a great uniter and morale booster..."
"He is a strong leader that inspires others. He is trustworthy and responsible."
"Dr. Goben has breathed new life into our college. He has rallied employees with his honesty, his open door policy, and his engaging personality. He has made me believe we are all on the same team."
"He seems to have a presence when dealing with the media and understands the politics behind what is going on."
"He has provided nothing but an open line of communication and has been patient and available to all faculty and staff with any concerns. Dr. Goben has made a tremendous effort to get to know each of us in such a short time and has made me feel like an integral member of the faculty of HCTC."
"Dr. Goben seems to be an excellent planner. At faculty meetings he attends... he carefully articulates to all faculty. He asks for our feedback, and he keeps us informed of any changes and upcoming plans and events."
"He has been extremely efficient in collaborating with groups to enhance our committee structure. The new structure is great, and he got this implemented very quickly."
"[The committee structure] was a concern we have had for a long time, and he took the time to listen and actually changed it. This allowed us to devote more time to our work, the community, our students, and boosted our morale. He took something that we have tried to change for years and did it in a matter of months, very efficient."
"During this time of budget crunching he has kept us well-informed and given realistic solutions, no hidden agendas."
"As a new president, it is unfortunate that he has had to deal with the recent [state] budget cuts, but he has done it in a manner that has encouraged communication and inclusion in decisions."
"Dr. Goben has been clear but subtle that posers and ___ kissers are not welcome. People that work are now getting the credit they deserve."
"[He has] invested in his employees by using some of his funds for their professional development."
"He has also guided us through a process to identify the college's life cycle and to understand where we are in that cycle so that we are better able to plan our future."
"He is working with us on being more service oriented so that we can better serve our students in a one-stop shop environment instead of having them run all over campus to see people in various departments."
"He has helped us revisit the Significant Accomplishment [bonus/performance pay]. Rather than dangling the gold ring but making it impossible to do, he is helping us to make it true rewards and celebrations for a job well done."
"Dr. Goben has made strides in getting to know the faculty and staff at the college, and focusing us on more of a service center approach as the next logical step in our progression toward becoming a true learning college focused on student success."
"He listens to us. His door is always open if we need to talk to him."
"As a leader, Dr. Goben is fabulous at bringing people together. He makes all college personnel understand the importance of their participation in the process. He is always willing, even anxious, to talk with all faculty, staff, and students about issues concerning HCTC."
"Dr. Goben... has made a positive and progressive impact on our college. As Chairman of the Board... I have an unqualified confidence in Dr. Goben... to continue and improve on the impact to our citizens and communities served."
"Dr. Goben holds a vast knowledge of the different departments within the college. Having worked in a variety of aspects in secondary and post-secondary institutions gives him the ability to pull together departments and come up with new initiatives that will enhance the image and quality of HCTC."
"... open style of leadership, which encourages faculty, staff, and community to become involved."
"Great communication skills... open to feedback, inclusive...[he has kept] everyone calm during a budget crisis."
"In spite of [budget] cuts, Dr. Goben encourages professional development of faculty and staff."
"[He has a] willingness to listen to faculty, rather than limiting input to college administrators."
"Great communicator, very inclusive in decision making, but tough when he has to be."
"He is one of the most genuinely likable people I have ever met... I still do not know how in the world we were lucky enough to get him, but I am certainly glad we did. He knows how to motivate people. He "gets it."
"He was excellent on collaboration with various campus groups to move the college along in an accelerated effort to address critical college needs. We have probably moved more in 6 months than one might expect to happen in 2 years."
"... by using small comments like "not a bench warmer" he lets people know that productivity is expected and boasting is unwelcome."
"Dr. Goben is one of the best public speakers ever. He is very relaxed in front of a crowd. He has an incredible amount of energy and is willing to attend events at all campus locations. He has been very visible in the community."
"As a new president, he came in and really listened to the needs of faculty and staff."
"Dr. Goben's attitude is infectuous, and he always talks positive in the face of negative issues."
"Open communication with everyone. Very down to earth. He appears to be honest and forthcoming. He has a servant leadership style, and he is a good support of the institution."
"He is a very good communicator, very down to earth, has brought forth ideas from his experience that we can adapt and use."
"He has shown us that our organizational structure can be arranged to allow us to work for accuracy and efficiency through teamwork."
"Dr. Goben doesn't treat us as separate colleges and campuses. He treats us all as one college family and doesn't make us feel that either campus is superior."
"His desire to get our input and participation has helped me to feel better connected."
"Dr. Goben has helped employees work together in good collaboration on several processes and issues which impact the college as a whole. He has gotten buy-in on several issues just because he has asked... employees feel as though they have a "voice" in the institution, and they really appreciate just being asked."
"His attitude alone has done more to bring people together than anything. He is a tremendously positive person."
"He meets with small groups, is interested in what students, faculty, and staff are doing at the college. He welcomes questions, discussions, and suggestions. He shows respect for each person."
"Dr. Goben brings fresh eyes, a new perspective, and excellent group facilitation skills to the mix (which has helped rejuvenate the institution)."
"Dr. Goben strongly believes in collaboration. His actions match his words and encouragement for collaboration."
"He is visible. He speaks to people. Dr. Goben goes out of his way to talk to people, speak to them and even remember their name. He allows anyone to provide input and share in the decision making process."
"I think Dr. Goben genuinely cares about people... especially the employees and students of HCTC. He extends open communication to everyone and treats everyone fairly. He is always willing to listen and offer input. I like his style of visual communication to get ideas or points across... this appeals to my learning style."
AIB College of Business (AIB) Department Director- October 2005
"We are so blessed to have such a wonderful "boss" as you. Thank you for all you do... Even though we would not refer to you as a boss but, rather, a "mentor" !
Des Moines Roosevelt HS Principal- July 2005
“… Your message was very powerful and memorable to all… [a Roosevelt senior] was wise in recommending that you speak to our graduates and their families… I want to express our sincere appreciation… You were inspiring… I look forward to working with you in the future. Please stop by Roosevelt any time.”
AIB Board of Trustees Member- June 2005
“Thank you so much for all you have done and all you have brought to the College. You are doing a tremendous job, and I want you to know that members of the Board recognize your excellent leadership and contributions.”
Des Moines Roosevelt HS Vice Principal- June 2005
“… [a Roosevelt senior] was impressed with your message to the “Best of Class” participants, and rightly so. She spoke to me about the appropriate, practical, and good advice you gave to them, and how much she enjoyed and appreciated your message. Her assessment and comments were right on target. Your message to the Roosevelt Class of 2005 was wonderful; it left graduates with much to think about.”
Higher Learning Commission (HLC/NCA) Director- June 2005
“… In addition, on June 9, Dr. Allen Goben shared a copy of the College’s most recently developed Strategic Plan, 2005-2010. These materials provide evidence of careful and detailed planning as it relates both to the academic welfare of students and the future of the College… I was impressed with the planning process and the resulting planning document. I find the linkages made between the organization’s planning and the Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation and over-arching themes to be innovative and thoughtful, and also very relevant to a forward-thinking organization… I would like to learn more about the [operational planning] tool, and perhaps this planning resource could be shared as a preseAIB Admissions Team Member- May 2005ntation at the Commission’s Annual Meeting this year.”
AIB Administrative Assistant- June 2005
“I would like to thank you for a wonderful Administrative Assistant’s Day… I truly felt appreciated. It is an honor to work with a great team—and people like you who go out of their way to make us feel valued.”
National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Workshop Participant- June 2005
“I can't begin to tell you how rejuvenated I am after attending NISOD and your seminar on intergenerational communication. I have been incessantly talking about the concepts noted in the seminar you presented at NISOD; in fact, you might be pleased to hear that I have already incorporated your presentation into my lectures this week.”
AIB Admissions Team Member- May 2005
“First, I want to thank you for the outstanding seminar that you provided for my North High students last Friday. The teacher was very impressed, and I know it made a huge impact on the students. One of the best things about you is the fact that you make ideas come to fruition; you said admissions is everyone’s job and you actually participate in it! I just want you to know that your positive attitude has changed all of us over here. I remember the days when admissions personnel used to literally run out the door at every opportunity. Now I watch all of the guys stay long after the office closes and share what is going on out on the road—they ask for advice—they ask how they can do things better to save time… What a change from a year ago. No one is hanging their head anymore! Sometimes I am just so happy I could burst! Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Parent of WOI TV’s “Best of the Class” HS Student- May 2005
“Today my son… was one of the Best of the Class 2005 and I wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed your speech. In the past few weeks we have listened to speeches from the Marshalltown Chamber of Commerce Scholar Banquet, the Governor’s Scholar Recognition Banquet, where Gov. Vilsack spoke to the seniors, the State of Iowa Scholar Banquet where Lt. Gov. Sally Pederson spoke, and by far your speech was the most inspirational and meaningful to our family. Thank you so much for taking the time today to speak to the Best of the Class. It will be a day [my son] will always remember.”
AIB Facilities Team Members- May 2005
“… we really feel appreciated. You brought great energy to AIB. We are accomplishing more than ever, and things are really headed in the right direction.”
AIB Faculty Member- April 2005
"...thanks so much for doing this... for leading this effort. I've been teaching strategic planning for over 20 years, but this is the first time I can stand up in front of my class and say that we do this stuff. We live it with our own strategic plan..."
High School Business Teachers- April 2005
“… They (HS students) all enjoyed the day and loved being treated as college students for the morning. You did a wonderful job sharing learning styles with them. The way you present the information and involve the group makes it fun for everyone. Thank you for the time and effort you obviously took in planning and preparing for our visit. I feel the day was a great success.”
“… What happened between the students after we left was so interesting to watch unfold. The other students were surprised that two of the smartest and most organized students in their class of almost 500 were also just like them, undecided for a career… It caused a conversation to take place that normally wouldn’t have, if you can remember high school and the rules of social conduct…”
Director of Faculty and Staff Development (from consulting work)- January 2005
“Thank you so much for your time, energy, and expertise. Your college is lucky to have a senior administrator like you. Your message is timely and will really help initiate good dialogue that will bring our organization together…”
AIB Department Director- December 2004
“… Your leadership inspires me to overcome my recent challenges. It is fabulous to be acknowledged for my work. I will not soon forget all that you have done for the College, for the students, and for me personally…”
AIB Vice President- December 2004
“You have made such a huge and positive impact here. I only wish the chance to work with you would have come along twenty years ago.”
AIB Department Supervisor- November 2004
“Thank you so much for all you’ve done… I feel like a racehorse that is being allowed to run. This is fun!”
AIB Vice President- October 2004
“I learn a lot seeing you in action. Your energy, drive, clarity, and knowledge base are all to be admired and respected. Thank you!”
AIB Program Director- September 2004
“It has been exciting to be a part of the team to move AIB ahead and onward! It is exciting being a part of that positive energy. Allen, thank you so much for all of your hard work, knowledge, and vision in getting us where we need to be. You certainly are making a difference in so many directions at AIB! It’s a pleasure to work with you!”
AIB Dean- June 2004
“From each boss I have had, I have stolen a saying or idea that I add to my personal management style. I heard the one I have stolen from you early in your time here [“If you have to eat a frog, eat the frog for breakfast!”]… I’m so glad you’re here!”
Central Arizona Community College (CAC) Program Manager- March 2004
“Allen is a remarkable professional. He possesses all the qualities that I value in a leader. He is very bright, a quick study, thorough, organized, thoughtful, professional, personable, and leads with his heart… Allen is a top candidate for any senior level educational administrative position for which he applies. His broad experience allows him to think, plan, and interact holistically compared to others whose experience may be more narrowly defined. Allen is a wonderful example of an administrator who will bring an “added value” to an organization that would exceed anyone’s expectations. His energy and professional skills combined with ability to innovate and inspire are exemplary… I would jump at the chance to work with him again.”
NISOD Director- March 2004
“Dr. Goben has an incredible skill set and combination of human relations skills that are truly second to none. His greatest strengths are in supporting a vision, rallying a team to “get things done,” and, most importantly, working daily with team members to accomplish the task(s) at hand. He is wonderfully dependable, positive, dedicated, and has a remarkable sense of priority—allowing him to work strategically to achieve important work toward an end. Dr. Goben is incredibly energetic, and has demonstrated his ability to be a self-starter with purposeful strategic direction at all times. He is a “can’t miss” candidate!”
CAC Assistant Dean- February 2004
“Allen is a problem solver and has the ability to bring a large group of faculty to a position of consensus. His enthusiasm for the task at hand can motivate even the most reluctant of the “old timers.” Having the opportunity to work with Allen was absolutely the highlight of the 2002/03 school year for me.”
CAC Department Director- February 2004
“… Dr. Goben was asked to take over as Dean of Academic Affairs and Workforce Development. Allen did not have a background in workforce development, yet he was by far the most capable supervisor I have ever worked for. Dr. Goben is not the type of person that had to know all of the details of what each person was doing so that he could manage them. Instead, he worked hard to find out what was preventing us from being effective, and he did whatever it would take to clarify and resolve challenges proactively. Dr. Goben is a hard working administrator who practices what he believes. Allen is very well respected by both colleagues and staff. He is also an empathetic listener that sincerely cares about those around him. His broad knowledge of education and his adaptability to address emerging challenges—combined with outstanding communication and people skills—make him an ideal candidate… to lead organizations through the challenges of the 21st Century.”
UT Doctoral Program Colleagues- February 2004
“Allen brought tremendous integrity to the CCLP Block 57 cohort. He demonstrated patience and perseverance through both challenges and triumphs. Elected by his peers as a Block 57 Mentor/Block Liaison, Allen successfully handled the extra time required of this leadership role to facilitate the cohort to optimum performance. He continuously stepped forward to meet the challenge that was presented. In addition, Allen was able to make fair, difficult, and timely decisions. He consistently put team goals above his own personal desires, but he also managed to leave an indelible and utterly positive mark upon the group projects, leaving no doubt that he was a major player in each one.”
“Allen is a confident, ambitious leader with an intrinsic drive unlike anyone I have ever known. He is friendly, outgoing, and easy to get to know. His demeanor is complemented by the fact that he expects a high level performance from himself and those with whom he works… I believe much of his professional success can be attributed to his communication skills.”
Indian Hills College (IHCC) Executive Director of Development- February 2004
“Allen was easy to supervise. He is a self-starter. He relates well with everyone. He knows what to do, and he does it. When he sees a need, he fills it. When he sees a problem, he solves it. He has great social skills and an excellent mind. With a great sense of humor and a kind heart, Allen was a very good counselor. But he was more than that. He was quick to find and complete the administrative tasks that are part of most every counseling position.”
IHCC Advanced Technologies Executive Dean- July 2003
“Allen handled many difficult academic, disciplinary, and personal issues that arose daily… Throughout, Allen demonstrated keen insight and mature judgment in his masterful handling of very challenging situations. I came to rely upon Dr. Goben as a critical member of our administrative team… I have spent 20 years in education in a variety of educational settings, but I can say without reservation that I have rarely met an individual with Dr. Goben’s natural leadership abilities.”
CAC Vice President- June 2003
“I’ve seen few things in my career [learning styles workshops] that have had such a positive and deep impact on an organization.”
CAC Assistant Dean- June 2003
“… I have appreciated your positive perspective, fresh ideas, and your energy. You have gotten me through some tough times this year, and I want you to know how grateful I am.”
CAC President- May 2003
“You’ve done a tremendous job here. There is no doubt that you are on a fast track to a presidency.”
“Dr. Goben first served as an Administrative Intern [with the President and Executive VP] and then as a Dean… In each role I found Dr. Goben to be hard working, a creative problem solver, and a respected leader amongst his peers and subordinates… I strongly urge your consideration of Allen Goben’s candidacy and would welcome your call…”
CAC Program Coordinator- April 2003
“Good meeting yesterday. And I want to tell you how valuable the “after-talk” was for me. Thanks Allen for your time and personal consideration.”
CAC Administrative Assistant- March 2003
“You are a breath of fresh air. Your style, personality, intelligence, vision, etc. is wonderful. I appreciate, as I am sure we all do in the Division, you saying often that you are here to support us and help us. I truly believe you will… Thanks for talking with me today. I know you are extremely busy, and I appreciate the kind words and conversation… Thank you for your support, your kindness, and for being a great boss! I wish I could be as calm as you always are!”
CAC Associate Dean- January 2003
“You are truly a pleasure to work with and I really enjoy attending your meetings, which I believe to be the best administered meetings this district has seen for some time. Thank you for that!”
CAC Assistant Dean- January 2003
“You did an absolutely wonderful job [facilitating a meeting with 50+ people and a contentious issue/topic]. In fact, the comments I have heard are mainly about your skills. Thanks so much for bearing the brunt of this... I have heard nothing but positive comments—so far. I personally thought it went very, very well. Knowing some of the personalities around the room, I was pleasantly and gratefully surprised… Thanks for everything, Allen. It is a real pleasure to work with you.”
CAC Faculty Member- December 2002
“Thank you for sharing your insights and team-building skills with our learning community at Aravaipa Campus. We have seen an improvement in the tolerance and collaboration of our students since we have openly addressed the issues of the generation gap in our classroom.”
CAC Semi-Retired/Adjunct Faculty Member- November 2002
“You’re one of the few who know what “brief” really means—short, to the point, informative, somewhat entertaining, descriptive. You also made references to AQIP, goals, strategic plan…”
CAC Associate Vice President- October 2002
“My thanks to you for the thoughtfulness extended to me during my recent illness. How absolutely caring and supportive of you to send the funny card that made me smile and to come see me at my home…”
CAC Faculty Member- September 2002
“Thank you so much for your excellent workshop and your ‘inclusive’ message. Your facilitation skills are remarkable and are tactics that I hope to emulate in my future presentations; as well, your organizational, time management and physical environment concerns are insightful. I truly enjoyed our time together and the learning experience you are offering us.”
UT Doctoral Program Colleague- April 2002
“Thank you so much for all of your help… throughout the planning process, I knew I could count on you to bounce things off of and get things done. It was great to work with you on our last trip. You helped make the trip easy and fun. Thank you!”
UT Doctoral Program Colleague- January 2002
(Answering the question, “Name the one Block [doctoral cohort] colleague you would like to have working for you…”)
“…This is the million dollar investment; therefore, I have to go with Allen Goben…I like Allen’s style; he is aggressive in his pursuit of goal accomplishment and confident in his approach. Allen knows how to delegate tasks and take the reigns when necessary. Allen would have solutions before he would bring up the issue. This is the kind of person I want on my team.”
IHCC Student- September 2001
“How’s Texas? [I’m] Still here in Iowa. 10 weeks to go, it sure doesn’t seem possible. I remember the day I came into your office. I was as nervous as a ^@@#$% in church. My life sure has changed since that day! I wouldn’t have made it if it weren’t for our little talks. I really miss them. Life just keeps getting better all the time…”
UT Doctoral Program Colleagues- May 2001
“The high level of expertise… you bring to the table makes my heart full to think how lucky I am to have this opportunity at this time in my life to work with people like you.”
“At this point, you understand how much dedication and hard work are required of writing team members. All of us are in your debt. You have acquitted yourself with distinction. I am impressed with your take charge/gentle leadership style. There is a bit of a paradox here. It takes real talent to be assertive when assertiveness is required and simultaneously be conscious of the need to recognize and foster the contributions of others. You have mastered these paradoxical leadership skills.”
IHCC Administrative Assistant- June 2000
“I can’t thank you enough for remembering me on Secretary’s Day… You are a joy to work with.”
IHCC Parent- February 2000
“Your encouragement and belief in her [daughter/student] has inspired her to look within for qualities and abilities she is only beginning to realize she possesses… You have a special gift… I know God will give you many opportunities to use it!!”
IHCC Advanced Technology Programs Department Chair- October 1999
“Thank you for all you do for the ATC. You are most definitely a key to our success… I enjoy working with you. Your optimism and fresh ideas are great.”
Various Workshop Participants (from consulting work)- 2000-2005
“It was excellent! The best I have been to.”
“The chance to personalize what we learned will make the information more effective for me… Glad it was an all-day affair.”
“No one will NOT benefit from today! This interactive experience gave me the opportunity to have an out-of-the-box experience. I now have more tools with which to work.”
“Revisiting the relationship among generations and learning styles will help me to be a better communicator with the diverse populations I encounter. You’ve done an excellent job presenting, communicating, and transitioning the information today.”
“Informative, very insightful, I’ve learned a lot about characteristics of different generations and techniques on how to communicate better. You did a magnificent job in delivery of the information. Thank you.”
Southeast Warren HS Principal- May 1998
“… takes a unique individual, and a willing one at that, to donate your time and energy… without any compensation… Leadership is a true quality of Allen… I would recommend him for any level of education… Allen knows how to convey his message in a polite and thoughtful way…”
Drake Master’s Degree Classmate- December 1997
“I don’t know what it is about you, but when you walk into a room the dynamics change. Whatever “it” is, you’ve got it.”
DeVry Institutes of Technology Trainer/Regional Manager- 1996-97
“…Allen, you are a high-impact team player… Congratulations! You set an all-time record for the number of high schools presented in during one month. I don’t mean just this year… I mean an all-time record. No rep has ever done that much in one month, and it was only your second month on the job… Thank you for jump-starting your territory.”
“Allen does not follow the beaten path… he blazes a trail for others to follow.”
South Holt HS Athletic Director- 1993-1995
“…Mr. Goben exhibited the highest qualities as a professional educator… consistently providing the best atmosphere in his classroom… We were extremely fortunate to win a state football championship while working together, and Mr. Goben was definitely an integral part of our team’s success… I would recommend, without hesitation, Allen Goben for any position that he is striving to obtain.”
Woodward-Granger HS Principal- 1990-93
“… I found Allen to be a step ahead of his peers in maturity… Allen was enthusiastic and seemed to have a genuine “feeling” for the young people he worked with… I would highly recommend him in his area of pursuit.”
Southern Cal HS Superintendent- 1988-89
“… I knew from the moment I met you that I wanted you on my team… you have done a fantastic job turning the basketball program around and helping our football team… I know that I appear busy, but if you want something done in this life, ask a busy person to do it. The other people aren’t busy for a reason… I am never too busy to support your career with a great recommendation. You’ve done a remarkable job here, and it will be fun to watch your career grow and progress.”
High School English Teacher- 1984
“Allen! Would you please stop talking in my class? You know if you could make a living by talking, you would be the most successful person in the world.”